
Thursday, September 22, 2005

Final Installment of Katrina Conversation

NOTE: Guess I had the link wrong earlier. It should be fixed now ;)

I'm sure we will discuss more about Katrina and possibly Rita in the coming weeks. Here is the final installment of the conversation about Katrina and the relief efforts using the Katrina Relocation Plan in Kokomo Indiana.

The Podcast is here

Monday, September 19, 2005

Katrina Relocation Plan Conversation Part 2

Here is the 2nd part of Jeff and my's conversation.

The podcast is here

If you are on dialup, you can also "right click" on the link and choose to save it to your desktop. You can then listen to it offline in Microsoft's Media player, WinAmp, RealPlayer or some other mp3 player.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Katrina Relocation Plan Conversation Part 1

We decided to discuss some of the issues surround the Katrina Relocation Plan that is currenting being implemented in Kokomo. Because of technical issues, we decided to split the conversation into three different segments. So, this post is part one.

KWP Conversation part 1



Saturday, September 10, 2005

Katrina Relocation Plan Discussion

Well, we are back. It has taken a while, but we welcome you to listen to our second podcast. In this edition, we are discussing the The Katrina Relocation Plan. Jeff is busy implementing it in Kokomo. We hope that by discussing the plan, others might be able to welcome hurricane Katrina's victims into their community.

This podcast is the first in a series where Jeff and I are not together in the same room. We are using Google Talk and recording it. So, the quality may not be as good, but, the content is what matters. ;)

Enjoy - TMAP (Two Middle Aged Pastors)

The Podcast is here